In case you didn’t know what playing Mid Lane means in LoL, try imagining yourself as a parent driving your SUV to the ranch while your four kids keep asking you “are-we-there-yet” from the backseat.
Not to mention you need to avoid traffic coming up front, top, left, and right sides and look for other drivers in your lane driving the wrong way so they can hit you from behind. It’s stressful, to say the least.
That’s why every LoL fan knows that having or not having a reliable and experienced Mid player can turn your match into an easy win or a catastrophe.
This special playmaker position in LoL is what decides the key plays and tactics that ultimately make the game as intense as it is.
Suitably, pro players that hold this lane are thought to be the best players of the game, period.
Take a look at our shortlist (in no particular order) of the greatest LoL Mid Laners that manage to handle stress levels, accuracy, and APM and deliver some of the best plays you can see in the game.
Best Midlaner in League of Legends: Top Players
Felix “Abbedagge” Braun is a German LoL Mid player currently playing professionally for the 100 Thieves team.
As his favorite position is Mid, he tends to pick mages such as Syndra and Ryze and sometimes even Akali or Sylas if the enemy team opts for counters so he can gain complete control of the map.
He debuted in 2016 with The Mysterious Monkeys and since then has drawn attention to himself with his outstanding LoL skills.
Abbedagge earns hundreds of dollars per year thanks to his impressive Mid holds and controls that always put his team in a favorable position.
Of course, like in most eSports discussions, the majority of players will be coming from South Korea.
We present our first South Korean player to you. Lee “Kuro” Seo-haeng is a member of KT Rolster.
Although Kuro is a retired LoL pro, he left his legacy of great Mid plays as a beacon to any other player wanting to get better at Mid control. Kuro is one of those players that carried heavily for his team but still didn’t manage to win a World Championship title.
However, Kuro managed to win the KeSPA 2016 Cup and the LCK 2016 Tournament. His favorite picks and plays were with Syndra and Viktor. One time, Kuro even had a +70% win rate with Viktor throughout a total of 46 tournament games when he was active.
In the LCK 2017, he became the only fifth player to score 1,000 kills. His Mid Lane skills earned his team over a hundred thousand dollars in prize money.
Although we said this wouldn’t be a ranking, we must somehow end this list on the highest note. Lee “Faker” Sang-Hyeok is a living legend from South Korea that will part ways this year with his T1 team.
Since he got on the team, Faker won a whopping 3 Worlds Championships and numerous LCK Tournaments, as well as Mid Season Invitationals, among others.
Faker is believed to have the most wins than any other pro player. He has been dubbed as the “Unkillable Demon King.” And it’s for many reasons.
In fact, Faker is so big on the LoL scene that if someone, like Caps, plays superbly, they dub them Baby Fakers!
Faker is a player that you can’t even get close to his plays or champions he controls. Only a few players managed to come close, and one of them is the previously mentioned Showmaker.
This South Korean Demon King excels with a wide range of champions when he needs to counter-pick.
Some claim that Faker is the most versatile pro Mid Laner. Any champion Faker ends up playing somehow turns out to be meta, thanks to his insane skills.
Another thing that makes him stand out from the other Mid Laners is that Faker doesn’t play standard Mid Lane control.
For instance, unlike other Mid Laners, Faker won’t hesitate to help out the jungler in need. And he won’t stop there. You’ll often see him roam the map from time to time, making his enemies be in constant fear.
He is one of the top-earning LoL players as well. Although other players from our list earned hundreds of thousands, Faker earned millions of dollars for his team.
It’s 2022, and Faker still doesn’t seem to show any signs of slowing down. He still enjoys playing Ryze, Syndra, Twisted Fate, Zed, and, of course, Ahri.
Here’s another former legendary Mid Laner. Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg was a Danish pro Mid player at TSM.
Although he no longer plays the game competitively, Bjergsen now successfully coaches his former team.
His beginnings were in Europe, but he quickly moved to North America, where he found his slice of the American Dream and became one of the favorite LoL players on the continent.
His favorite picks were Zilean on Mid, and he was the very first player to get a penta kill with Syndra in the EU LCS.
What’s more interesting, Bjergsen could play support from the Mid Lane and still dominate his enemies.
Bjergsen managed to claim many championship titles. He took 8 Championships titles, six of them being the LCS, one IEM, and one Rift Rivals Championship.
Heo “PawN” Won-Seok is another retired South Korean Mid Laner. Although he doesn’t compete anymore, his Mid lane plays remain legendary among the LoL community.
Pawn was best known for his insane plays with Talon, Fizz, and LeBlanc. He used them so aggressively that it still remains a mystery how he managed to maintain a poker face during matches and earn the nickname Buddha.
Pawn won multiple LoL tournaments and even one Worlds Championship. When he was at his peak, Pawn was the only LoL player that could hold a candle to Faker, especially during 4th season.
Another South Korean Mid Laner, Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang, currently competes for the FunPlus Phoenix team. They won the 2019 Worlds Championship.
During the 2019 Championship, Doinb was famous for picking some unusual champions, such as Malphite and Rumble, that made his opponents stutter.
His debut was during season 5, in which he maintained an insane amount of skill and high-level consistency. Doinb outperformed his opponents from his debut season and still does.
He is still one of the best Mid Laners that, thanks to his Mid skills, manages to earn hundreds of dollars for his team.

Yuan “Cryin” Cheng-Wei is our one and only pro LoL player coming from China. He is the Mid Laner of the Royal Never Give Up team and is considered to be one of the most underrated Mid players of today.
What makes Cryin so unique is that he manages to maintain a positive win rate with his 160 and more professional matches, which is rare for pro LoL players.
He debuted with the Young Miracles team in 2018, and today he plays with the Royal Never Give Up team as a valuable Mid Laner.
Cryin has a long road to go to catch with some other heavy hitters but still managed to win the LPL, LPL Regional Finals, and the Mid Seasonal Invitational.
Marek “Humanoid” Brázda the top Mid Laner for the team Fnatic. This is the only Czech LoL player on our list, but boy, is he the one.
He started in 2015 as a member of the European Dark Tigers team. Even though he was somewhat of a rookie that year, his win rates were well over the average.
His standard picks include control mages such as Orianna and Ryze, among others. However, his favorite champions are Syndra and Azir.
Humanoid gained popularity as he played great Mid Lane games with Taliyah, who is assumed to be a champion who can’t do well in pro matches.
As he signed a contract with Fnatic until 2024, Humanoid is one Mid Laner that will continue to surprise everyone on the LoL scene.
Lee “Scout” Ye-chan was the most recent 2021 Worlds Championship winner when he carried for his team EDward Gaming.
He comes from South Korea and is one of the best Mid Laners of today, as he has won three MVP awards so far.
The first came in the 2017 LPL Summer Season, while the second and third both came in 2021 in the 2021 LPL Summer Season and the 2021 Worlds Championship.
The way he carries Mid is so insane that it managed to get him a Chinese residency visa in 2021 – the one achievement that other South Korean players couldn’t get.
Rasmus “Caps” Borregaard is another Danish pro LoL contestant playing for the G2 team. His major career breakthrough came when he played with Fnatic.
His success was excellent in both Fnatic and in G2. Caps achieved some major wins that earned him another nickname Baby Faker.
His outstanding plays and control mechanics he shows during matches are what fans consider to be the prophecy for the next big Faker.
The funny thing is that some fans like to tease him “Craps” whenever Rasmus has a bad match, and whenever he excels in the game, they call him “Claps.”
No matter the nicknames he has, he definitely earns a place in the list among some of the best Mid Lane players of all time.
Heo “Showmaker” Su is yet another South Korean professional pro LoL competitor playing for DAMWON Gaming or the DWG team.
Although Showmaker finished second in the 2021 Worlds Championship, his run was thought to be one of the most impressive.
In fact, there were times when Showmaker outperformed even the untouchable Faker in the Mid Lane.
What stands Showmaker out as one of the most valuable Mid Laners is his ability to pick whatever hero his team needs him to hold the Mid.
As you can probably tell, his nick Showmaker is a nod to his skill of putting on a show whenever he plays. And you will see that the crowd loves him for that.
To boost his showmanship, he even hangs out with K-Pop stars, which makes him somewhat of a superstar in South Korea.
The Best Mid Laner in League of Legends: Conclusion
That’s our pick for some of the most prominent, active, and retired Mid Laners in League of Legends. Do you agree with it?
We tried being as objective as we could. However, of course, this list still might end up subjective.
There’s no doubt there are many superb Mid Laners out there playing in tournaments, and there will be even more in the years to come.
However, we thought that out of these few players, Faker might stand out the most as his overall knowledge and skill tend to put him ahead of the rest as the best Mid Laner currently on the LoL scene.